…plus other ways to stay involved |
Lupine grows along the Denali Highway. Photo by Emily Mesner for Northern Center |
A few important comment periods are coming to a close this week and next, including one for the West Susitna Industrial Access Road that would pave the way for mining companies' access to resources along a stretch of road spanning 100+ miles. Keep reading below to learn about a new Yup’ik alphabet coloring book and the value of things made by hand. Thank you for spending your morning with us. - Emily Mesner (mesner@northern.org)
Communications Coordinator |
West Susitna Industrial Access Road comment period ends TOMORROW |
Screenshot of the project overview. |
The Alaska Department of Transportation is taking comments until Aug. 23 on a 22-mile stretch of the West Susitna Industrial Access Road project that claims to be for recreational use. In reality, this is the first stretch of a road that state and industry are intending to develop into a publicly funded private road spanning 100+ miles, used for mining companies to access resources (see page 5 in the above link).
Residents, sportsmen, and recreators in the area already have access to much of the lands and waters in the West Susitna area, without needing this road. Once this region is industrialized, it cannot be undone. This project is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and we encourage our members to share their comments opposing the project using the form written by our friends at Defend the West Su.
Speak out against NDAA rider |
Sen. Dan Sullivan recently included a rider in the National Defense Authorization Act that would require the proposed Ambler Road to be approved within 30 days of the bill being signed into law––regardless of the existing environmental review and the decision by the Bureau of Land Management to revoke permits for the road, as well as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' decision earlier this week to suspend the 404 permits for the project.
Please join the Tanana Chiefs Conference and partner organizations in sending a message to Sen. Sullivan and allies in Congress, reminding them of the widespread opposition to the project. This is a purely political stunt that disregards the overwhelming majority of Alaskans who oppose this project. Further, it ignores the environmental and cultural impacts that were clearly outlined in the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision.
ACTION ALERT: Shovel Creek Wind Farm |
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comment on a permit amendment for the Shovel Creek Wind Farm project north of Fairbanks. Project proponents have filed to expand the use area of the project to include two additional towers, and the conducting of geotechnical sampling. The permit term would begin this month and end July 2028.
Deadline for comments is next Wednesday, Aug. 28. Written comments can be submitted to the Division of Mining, Land, and Water in person at 3700 Airport Way in Fairbanks. Questions about the project, and more information can be directed to Victoria Nelson via telephone at 907-451-2740, by fax at 907-451-2751, or in an e-mail to nro.lands@alaska.gov.
Learn about Interior Alaska's diverse fungi |
Northern Center's Manager of Donor Joy and knowledgeable mycologist Christin Swearingen will be teaching this fungi class in Fairbanks from 6-8 p.m. on Aug. 28. The group will examine spruce and birch forests, and wood chip and lawn habitats for a variety of mushrooms at the Birch Hill Recreation Area warming hut (101 Wilderness Drive). Everyone will leave knowing the four ecological roles of fungi, how to identify at least three species of edible mushroom, and two deadly poisonous ones. Don’t worry, all mushrooms are safe to touch! Bring a basket or tackle box to collect specimens, mosquito repellant, and layered clothing for possible rain. Hand lenses will be available to borrow. Register here.
Are you registered to vote? |
November is quickly approaching. There are a few important dates to remember, both locally and nationally. - Fairbanks Municipal Elections - Oct. 1 (click here for more information)
U.S. Presidential Election - Nov. 5 (the deadline to register to vote in this election is Oct. 6)
The old gray kayak: an essay on the value of things made by hand
In this essay written by Seth Kantner for the Anchorage Daily News, immerse yourself in the experience, history, and stories as Kantner builds his daughter a kayak. "Working out here tonight, the wind and those memories swirl around me. I wonder where China will travel in this kayak. It feels strange, how much has changed," he writes. "For years I’ve thought that sleds and kayaks are good examples of changing values, and questioned how a young person might value a manufactured piece of plastic as much as one started from a tree, and finished by their own hands."
Job opportunity: Coalition Coordinator |
Alaska Climate Alliance is looking for a committed and passionate coordinator to help guide coalition work, including strategic planning, member engagement and growth, facilitation of their member gathering space, as well as helping to support the activities of their two leadership bodies––the Indigenous Navigation Council and the Coordinating Team. The ideal candidate must be highly organized and effective at working in group settings. Preferably, the candidate will have proven experience in community organizing, coalition building, and project management. This position will work closely with a supportive, passionate, and dynamic team of both staff and volunteer members from all of the ACA partner organizations. This is an 8-month contract position with the potential to grow into a permanent position. The first round of applications will be reviewed by Sept. 3.
Please share your feedback with us! |
Thank you to everyone who responded to our feedback survey we sent in March. We use data from the survey to make improvements in our communications and fundraising. Click here to help us track improvement by taking the short survey again. |
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy is hosting an online webinar, "Alaska's Berry Futures: what is happening in a changing climate and what we can do about it", from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 27. Learn more and register here.
Celebrate 100 years of climate observation at Denali National Park and Preserve TOMORROW, Aug. 23. The celebration starts at the Sled Dog Kennels at 10 a.m., where rangers record the weather every day. There will be sled dog demonstrations, a National Weather Service Award presentation, tour of the weather station, and a BBQ lunch. The celebration continues from 1-5:30 p.m. at the Denali Visitor Center with a science symposium, climate art exhibition, and a panel discussion on climate change perspectives.
The Tanana Valley Sandhill Crane Festival, hosted by Friends of Creamer's Field, is underway and runs until Aug. 25! Click here to learn more. -
Kotzebue resident Ruth Iten shares her disappointment in Sen. Dan Sullivan's attempt to force through the proposed Ambler Road by overriding community voices and rigorous scientific review through political maneuvering.
"What lawmakers shouldn’t do is speed up mining for relatively abundant materials with a reckless disregard for the environmental damage," writes author Ashley C. Nunes in this Scientific American opinion piece, Lawmakers’ Dodgy Critical Mineral Designations Won’t Boost Clean Energy
Night for the North is Northern Center's annual auction and dinner. This year it will be held at the Birch Hill Recreation Area in Fairbanks on Nov. 9. Our theme is "sled dogs." Proceeds from the event help support our programs, including the Jim Kowalsky Youth Engagement Fund. We are seeking business sponsors, individual donors, and volunteers. To help, please contact Christin at events@northern.org.
MISSION The Northern Alaska Environmental Center promotes conservation of the environment and sustainable resource stewardship in Interior and Arctic Alaska through education and advocacy. |
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